Step 1

    Which type of Dutch course do you need?

    At Language Teams, you can subscribe to a package of Blended Learning Dutch. This is a mix of live classes, online classes and e-learning.

    During an intensive Dutch course of Language Teams, you can work on your goals in a relaxed context, guided by experienced language tutors. We build a personal programme for you. Whether an academic, manager, doctor or expats… you all get to deepen your knowledge of the language and your language skills. You will be taught in small groups, completely customized and you choose the duration of your training yourself.

    At Language Teams, we strongly believe in the combination of intensive online learning, intensive live learning ánd self-teaching. In dialogue with you, one of our language consultants maps out a Dutch language course, customized to your profile and interests. This allows you to use your acquired knowledge to the full outside the classes, which will further your perfect command of the language.